How Can
We Help You?
Capture overseas markets with an exclusive brand strategy
The Indian and Sri Lankan emerging markets offer savvy Australian businesses an opportunity to take their brand to new heights. Growth in the education, tourism, infrastructure, agribusiness, mining equipment, technology and services sectors is fuelled by the demands of growing and wealthier domestic consumers. Technically literate consumers are embracing online shopping. A booming e-commerce sector is driving the appetite for international brands and high-quality imports. Changes in regulations also mean that carrying out business in these markets has become easier.
Make it Real01 Services
Today, resources comprise Australia’s largest exports to the Indian subcontinent. Opportunities in other sectors are already increasing including those in education, tourism, infrastructure, agribusiness, and mining equipment, technology and services.
Secrvices03 Export Finance
As a business, sometimes the most difficult thing to manage is your cash flow. Financial rollercoasters cause undue stress and this means you spend less time growing your business.
Export Finance
The Australian Government Export Marketing Development Grants (EMDG) scheme was set up to offer financial support to exporting businesses. Current and aspiring export businesses are encouraged to apply for assistance to develop and expand their export markets. Austrade administers the program and it is open to a wide range of industries.
Export Grants04 Logistics
The team at VC Group can help you to navigate the complex world of international logistics. Our freight-forwarding partner incorporates a state-of-the-art, cloud-based software solution designed for automation and optimised for supply chain management.